Hi! I am Tom.
Thank you for signing up for one of our
Bipolar IN Order Online Courses.
Thank you for your interest in our courses and programs. Click on the green button up above to get started on your FREE COURSE right away. This FREE COURSE is an introduction to how our online programs and live sessions work and what we do.
The Basics:
No email address or log-in is needed to take the FREE COURSE.
Courses have a live session component which you can attend. To attend the live sessions you have to provide your email address and reserve your spot. Instructions for attending the live sessions is inside of the course.
Access to the free course closes when we switch to a new free course, usually once a month. If you are interested in a course listed in our website but do not see the value of a membership, you can purchase that one course. If you are unclear about the difference between membership and purchasing a single course, please chat with tech support or review the full web site for more information.
There will be various free courses for guests and supplemental courses for members offered during the year, but they will not always begin on the first of the month. To be notified of start dates for upcoming courses, news, and events please subscribe to the newsletter.
Tech Support:
Tech support is for helping with problems navigating the site and courses. It is not for answering questions about course content. Course questions are answered in the live sessions and in the discussion forums.
Please click on the chat button at the lower right corner of any page on our site for tech support. If the chat function is not staffed at the time, we will get back with you as soon as we can.
Thank you for signing up for a course of the Bipolar IN Order Online Education Program. This program is helping thousands challenge all we believe about bipolar, from how we define it to how we treat it.
This course is going to help you in creating a clear path to a better life. Bipolar IN Order is a complete system that will make sense and work for you once all the pieces are in place.
If you have any questions, please use the chat support button in any page of our website to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
It is my sincere hope that the Bipolar IN Order Online Course will be of great benefit to you. I look forward to getting to know you in the live meetings.
Tom Wootton - Founder - Bipolar IN Order