Challenging Definitions

Challenging Definitions

Please Note: This is not a quick fix. It takes time and effort to produce real results and the courses we offer will guide and support you all the way. Our success stories took at least two years.

Struggles in Understanding Current Bipolar Definitions

Unfortunately, the world of mental health is plagued with stigmatizing ideas about bipolar and depression. These stigmatizing messages can have long-term negative consequences as they perpetuate the myth that we cannot change our condition. Individuals struggling to understand their condition report...

  • Struggles in making sense of Bipolar and/or Depression.
  • Overwhelm and frustration about seeing the disorder.
  • Inability to function.
  • Living in a state of anxiety over future episodes.
  • Inability to clearly separate the states from their reactions to them.
  • Confusion and lack of understanding about what the current goals of treatment are vs results worth achieving.

Labeling mania and depression based on behavioral choices is not enough for truly understanding what Bipolar is and how to function. It is essential to help others and ourselves re-define what this condition means to us and the world. This course focuses on helping students learn what truly matters when learning how to thrive with Bipolar.

How This Course Will Help

The Challenging Definitions course encourages students to explore whether or not the meaning they place on words  affects their experience of Bipolar and Depression.  Students will explore the meaning of various labels such as mania, depression, hallucinations, delusions, bipolar, schizoaffective disorder etc, etc... Students learn...

  • To explore the myths of mental illness.
  • What various definitions of Bipolar are and to explore what they mean for us.
  • About the the importance of gaining a deeper understanding of their condition.  
  • To recognize the effect that definitions may or may not have in the experience of their mental condition.

Challenging Definitions
Only $29.95

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Learn To Challenge The Pervasive Attitude About Bipolar. Course Includes:

Varied Course Materials

 1 video lesson, 2 reading lessons, 1 simple and effective written exercises, and an active participation forums to ask questions and sharing insights. 

Supportive Virtual Community

 Connect with a global, supportive, encouraging, and inspiring community of students working on getting their Bipolar IN Order. Participation in course forums is not required and can be anonymous.

Self-Paced Access

Ungated access to all course content for you to take at your own pace. Course is accessible with a reliable internet connection from any desktop computer, smart phone or tablet. 

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