IMPORTANT! Watch This Video BEFORE Using The Accounting For Time Document That is On Its Way.

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Accounting For Time

One of the biggest differences between Bipolar Advantage and other programs is the goal we are trying to accomplish. While other programs are about reducing symptoms in hope of permanent remission. Our goal is to learn how to function while experiencing the states that once drove us to dis-order.

Bipolar IN Order takes a completely different approach to time. Since the scientific consensus is that permanent remission is not possible, we seek to extend the time that we can stay in order during mania and depression. We also strive to stay IN Order in the full range that we are likely to experience. It takes a completely different approach to time to accomplish those goals, but the outcome is far superior; we no longer experience bipolar as a disorder in our lives.


  • A Recorded Video Lesson
  • An Extensive Reading Lesson
  • A Written Exercise
  • Flexible Live Online Sessions to Help Deepen the Understanding of Course Material

​Live online sessions are not recorded to help protect the privacy and comfort of our students. Students have the option to attend anonymously if they so wish. AND will also have the option to call in if internet reliability is an issue. 

Results You Will Accomplish

  • a personal well designed plan that transforms how you react to mania and depression.
  • a deeper understanding of which tools to use and when to use them.
  • the ability to function better next time states return.
  • a deep understanding of the influence of time on your ability to function.
  • a clear measure of how long different tools take to lower the intensity of each state.
  • confidence that you don’t have to panic and get rid of the state right away.

Full Course only $7.00

Regular price is $29.95

YES! I want to save 77% AND start changing my life NOW!

WARNING: This course begins February 16th, so you must get started on it NOW to get the most out of it.

Full Course Only $7.00

Regular price is $29.95

YES! I want to save 77% AND start changing my life NOW!

WARNING: This course begins February 16th, so you must get started on it NOW to get the most out of it.