Our Online Bipolar Education Program Has Helped Create Measurably Better Results For Over 10,000 Students
As seen on:
The integrated Bipolar In Order system will help you achieve:
- Measurably better results.
- Strong and enduring relationships.
- Enhanced productivity.
- End the cycle of crisis and loss.
- Better functionality DURING all states.
- Improved communication with doctors and family.
- Advantages that you never knew you had.
- No longer overwhelmed by any state or circumstance.
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Get started today for just $7
We will sign you up for our trial monthly membership and send you an email a few days before the next payment to make sure you want to continue. You can cancel at any time without penalty.
I created this course after running weekend workshops with thousands diagnosed just like me. Our family members, doctors, and therapists came too and shared their insights. It is now online so everyone in the world can take it from the privacy of their homes. You can see comments from a few of them below by clicking the arrows on the left and right of their pictures.
Don't miss out! Program starts in...
Get started today for just $7
We will sign you up for our trial monthly membership and send you an email a few days before the next payment to make sure you want to continue. You can cancel at any time without penalty.
The Bipolar IN Order Eight Step System Includes:
- Individualized to your own pace and on your own schedule.
- Inspiring Videos that help you create a better life.
- Written Lessons that deepen your understanding.
- Practical Exercises to use the concepts for real-life results.
- Discussion Forums for asking questions and sharing your insights.
- Live Online Video Meetings that give you the coaching you need to succeed.
Don't mis out! Program starts in...
Get started today for just $7
We will sign you up for our trial monthly membership and send you an email a few days before the next payment to make sure you want to continue. You can cancel at any time without penalty.
What You Will Learn
You will learn to function fully even during the most challenging mood episodes. That is our definition of thriving.
Our courses are specifically designed to teach you how:
- To separate the manic, depressive and/or mixed episodes from your reactions to them.
- To function at your highest level regardless of your mood state
- To recognize the sweet spot where you can be the most productive
- To use the least costly tools to reduce symptoms when needed.
- To find the best opportunities for taking advantage of your state.
- To turn your states from a disorder to an advantage.
- To monitor your states without being obsessed over them.
- To create a realistic plan for continuous and safe progress.
- To create an environment that supports you.
- To develop loving and lasting intimate relationships.
- To find a team of experts that will work for and with you.
- To thrive in your professional life using bipolar to your advantage.
- To figure out which treatment options work best for you.
Don't miss out! Program starts in...
Get started today for just $7
We will sign you up for our trial monthly membership and send you an email a few days before the next payment to make sure you want to continue. You can cancel at any time without penalty.