A1- Live Session Instructions

How To Attend The Free Live Online Meetings

Meeting Times For Live Class: All classes are Pacific Daylight Savings Time. Use http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com to convert to your time. By using San Francisco for the time listed there it will adjust to daylight savings time if in effect. Pacific Time does not.

Each session is one hour long. Please join the meeting five minutes before it starts.

Meeting URL: http://fuze.me/34680482 - If you have fuze installed you can just click on the link to join the meeting. Please join five minutes early.

For full Fuze experience, download Fuze at:


Call In Number: +1(201)479-4595

When you call in you will be prompted for a meeting number. Use this meeting ID number:34680482

If you have a windows operating system that is earlier than Windows 7, the Fuze software might not work on your device. But you can still access the meeting through your web browser with this link: https://fuzemeeting.com/browser/ and use this meeting ID number:34680482

Setting up your access to the online class

The live sessions take the concepts much deeper and assumes that you are already familiar with the material from studying the videos and reading assignments. Please take the time to review the material before the live class. The sessions are done live online with a free application called Fuze.

The best way is for you to download the application and install it in your computer, phone, or tablet. You will get a far better experience with the app than just using the website and then you can even use it with your family and friends. The download is at https://www.fuze.com/download and you do not need an account there.

If you don't want to do the download, the other way would be to go to the Fuze website and join the live program from there, but the options for how to see and interact with the class is limited.

If you are not comfortable with using Fuze, you can call in from your phone and listen in, but you will not be able to see me, the other participants, nor the materials on my screen.

Please note: Times are in San Francisco. Please check the time zone converter to find out the time in your local zone. By using San Francisco for the time listed there it will adjust to daylight savings time if in effect. Using Pacific Time does not always work and may put you an hour off.