A Free Online Education Program To Help Turn A Life of Overwhelm Into One That Works
The FREE COURSE What To Do When You Are Feeling Overwhelmed includes a series of short videos and simple exercises to help you change your life like it has for thousands of others who were struggling with depression or bipolar disorder.

As seen on:

We all get overwhelmed sometimes. It happens when the intensity of our experience is too much for us. Learn how to:
- Dramatically reduce being overwhelmed by Mania and Depression
- Reduce dependance on invasive treatment tools with negative side effects.
- End the fear that another episode of Mania or Depression will ruin your life again.
- Create a life that works DURING episodes.
- Change difficult relationships into relationships that work.
- Get back on the path to a more fulfilling life.
Just click on the button below to get started right away.
No credit card needed.

I created this course after running weekend workshops with thousands of fellow peers, family members, doctors, and therapists. It is now online so everyone in the world can take it. You can see comments from a few of them below by clicking the arrows on the left and right of their pictures.