
Bipolar IN Order App
This is the core program that helps you design your own personalized plan to follow. Completing the Bipolar IN Order course is required before you can access the supplemental courses below.
You will need to create an account or login before accessing this course. If you need a new account, please go to the Membership Page to set one up.
Supplemental Course
We all get overwhelmed sometimes. It happens when the intensity of our experience is too much for us.
In this course you will learn how to:
Dramatically Reduce Being Overwhelmed By Mania And Depression
Reduce Dependance On Invasive Tools With Negative Side Effects
End The Fear That Another Episode Of Mania Or Depression Will Ruin Your Life Again
Create A Life That Works DURING Episodes
Change Difficult Relationships Into Relationships That Work
Get Back On The Path To A More Fulfilling Life
8 Lessons - Easy
Supplemental Course
In this course we help you explore the options for treating symptoms and returning to a better life.
6 Lessons - Easy
Supplemental Course
Care is usually specialized and separate. Which is why getting your team together is beneficial. Who can help you and when?
This course contains plans and forms to help you get your team on the same page. Who can help you and when? You will learn to make agreements in advance of crisis. More importantly, establish clear communication so crisis is less likely.
What You Will Learn
--Strategies to put together a team that will work with you and for you.
--How to make agreements with your team in advance for handling and ideally preventing crises altogether.
--A thorough understanding about the roles of professional help.
--To know what to expect from professionals so you can choose the best sources to help you.
--To make agreements with family and friends on how care will occur when necessary.
10 Lessons - Intermediate
Supplemental Course
Travel can be a huge stress for everyone and can trigger intense episodes. Being prepared and knowing how to handle the difficult situations can mean the difference between a peaceful trip and a disaster.
5 Lessons - Intermediate
Supplemental Course
There are times in which our states may overwhelm us to the point in which our functionality gets affected. Although the ultimate goal of the Bipolar Advantage program is to reach full functionality during our mood episodes, we acknowledge the need for safe and effective crisis management plans.
This course helps you have a Crisis Plan in place long before you find yourself in a Crisis Stage that you couldn't avert.
What You Will Learn
--To lower the flow of energy and information so that you can return to your comfort zone and regain functionality.
--Strategies to help you put together a team, a plan and tools beforehand.
--To develop strategies for ending the crisis in the shortest time possible.
--To recognize whether or not this is an actual crisis that calls for more extreme measures.
5 Lessons - Intermediate
Supplemental Course
People with mental conditions are not the only ones that have difficult relationship hurdles. Don't be resigned to bad relationships or feel that things will never get better for you. There are clear processes and tools that will help you be successful in creating and sustaining lasting relationships at home, work, and elsewhere. Healthy relationships are essential for Bipolar IN Order.
The reading, videos, and assessments in this course each cover a specific concept to strengthen relationships, get your family to participate in a healthy way, and establish a process for healing and repairing all of your relationships.
What You Will Learn
--That even healthy relationships have disruptions.
--Strategies to repair and heal relationships after disruptions.
--How to create an atmosphere of respect and support for growth and change.
--How to make agreements with family and friends about who will be contacted if a crisis occurs.
12 Lessons - Intermediate
Supplemental Course
The energy we feel in mania is very powerful. It can easily overwhelm us and take control of our thoughts and behaviors. We can learn to use it to our advantage but we must be careful. This course gives practical understanding and exercises that will give you the ability to direct the energy for positive use.
What You Will Learn
--Safe and productive ways to channel the powerful energy of mania
--A brief exploration of the physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and career/financial aspects of mania.
--Appropiate channeling of the different aspects of the state.
46 Lessons - Intermediate
Supplemental Course
Learn to train your brain for integration and calmness. Which aid mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.
The powerful effects of meditation can extend beyond a meditative session and into your daily routines. This class guides you through specific meditation techniques which can be incorporated into your life regardless of any religious or non-religious outlook. Simple exercises that are easy to follow and produce tangible results. Specific meditation techniques chosen by senior monks for bipolar.
What You Will Learn
--Easy meditation exercises that are easy to follow.
--Seven different meditation techniques.
--Simple techniques for beginners as well as some challenging and advanced techniques.
--Mind/Body awareness
10 Lessons - None
Supplemental Course
Acceptance is one of the most important concepts we need to understand in order to learn to thrive with bipolar and depression. Acceptance does not mean to give up. It rather marks the beginning of transformation.
This course will help you maintain a healthy attitude through the process of getting to know yourself. You will learn about facing your condition without beating yourself up in the process. And to make self-discovery something to joyfully embrace instead of something painful to resist and therefore harmful.
What You Will Learn
--To consider and explore personal acceptance and its implications.
--To develop strategies for practicing acceptance as a lifelong practice.
--To meet yourself exactly where you are and to appreciate the fact that you are there.
--To find value in your current situation, mood state and/or circumstance.
6 Lessons - None
Supplemental Course
The meaning we place on words has a tremendous influence on how we experience our condition. Challenging others' perceptions of our condition is very important to experiencing a paradigm shift in the way we view our condition and our approach to living with it. Unlinking symptoms from our reactions to them cannot be accomplished without challenging the definitions of mania and depression. In this lesson learn to help others and ourselves re-define what this condition means to us and the world.
4 Lessons - Intermediate
Supplemental Course
Equanimity means even-minded under all conditions. The ultimate goal of Bipolar IN Order is achieving this state in our lives more and more often. Until we can access it even in the most difficult times.
When in equanimity, our wisdom guides all of our actions and we stop seeing one state as more valuable than any other. Our preferences cease to exist and we feel blissful in all circumstances. Central to my beliefs is that every moment of our lives is an opportunity to be in bliss, but we avoid those with the most potential because we think that the difficult experiences need to be removed first. Learn how adopting this principle can change your perception of your states and condition.
What You Will Learn
--To recognize the value of all life experiences.
--To make space for equanimity and allow wisdom to guide how you respond to your states.
--To be even-minded under all circumstances.
--To understand equanimity and how to achieve it.
7 Lessons - Intermediate
Supplemental Course
What questions or proposals have you rejected outright in the past that you later came to respect, admire, or believe in? How do you take concepts and make them your own so they integrate with your self-understanding and self-knowledge?
Are there ideas you always assumed were not true, but that became profoundly meaningful once you took the time to fully consider their implications? This course teaches the concept of wrestling with an idea and how it applies to making bipolar an advantage in your own life.
What You Will Learn
--The value of taking time to wrestle with an idea before coming to conclusions.
--Strategies for applying the concept of wrestling with an idea in an effective manner.
--How to apply the wrestling with an idea specifically to Bipolar Advantage concepts.
7 Lessons - Intermediate
Supplemental Course
Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Social, and Career/Financial Specific Assessments meant to help you discover the areas of strength and functionality vs the areas of weakness and adversity in your current understanding of Bipolar IN Order. Often we have specific areas that are holding us back and other areas which are moving us forward. And this lesson will help you identify and differentiate between them.
15 Lessons - Intermediate
Supplemental Course
Our environment can have a huge impact on us. Understanding how both helpful and harmful environments affect us can be the difference between Bipolar IN Order and a life of disorder.
1 Lessons - Easy