Bipolar IN Order

Bipolar IN Order

8 Lessons Intermediate

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Course Structure

The Bipolar IN Order Formula For Success

This Bipolar Advantage course teaches better awareness along with a deeper understanding of how to function during various states.

Depression, mania, hypomania and even mixed episodes make up the bipolar condition. As such, the experience of states vary from one person to another. Therefore, a thorough understanding about the relationship between time, intensity, comfort, value, and functionality on an individual basis is fundamental. As these relationships are core to the concepts to getting Bipolar IN Order

What You Will Learn

--To identify the intensity of your states accurately
--To increase the awareness of all essential aspects of your state
--To measure how long you can experience a state for before needing to turn it down
--To measure the thoroughness of your functionality skills


Introspection is an important element in putting Bipolar IN Order instead of leaving it in "disorder." This course will help you develop a healthy Introspection practice. It is designed to help us focus on the changes we want to bring about by giving you a daily summary of your progress.

Through Introspection, we become aware of who we are, what we are thinking, and how we are behaving. Instead of deluding ourselves in regards to our thoughts and actions. In this course you will develop a personalized introspection chart to help you monitor your states and behavior.

What You Will Learn

--To monitor your states and behaviors without becoming obsessed over them
--Strategies for recognizing your states and your reactions to them.
--The essential elements for practicing a healthy and productive introspection practice.

Finding Your Most Productive Zone

This Course teaches a revolutionary system that categorizes the various intensities of your states. And is used as a roadmap for navigating your level of functionality during various intensities of mania, depression and mixed states.

The objective is to develop a high level of awareness for three zones of intensity. You will learn about the different aspects that make up our states: physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and career/financial elements. And to identify how they fit into each level of intensity.

What You Will Learn

--​To develop a high level of awareness for three zones of intensity.
--To identify in which of the three intensity zones you are at in any given moment.
--To take advantage of your most productive zone and use it to accelerate --functionality and productivity
--About the different aspects that make up your various mood states: physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and career/financial elements

Tools To Lower The Intensity of Your States

One of the biggest differences between Bipolar Advantage and other programs is the goal we are trying to accomplish. While other programs are about reducing symptoms in hope of permanent remission. Our goal is to learn how to function while experiencing the states that once drove us to dis-order.

Nonetheless, there are times when taking steps to lower the intensity of our experience is the best option. In which case we need a set of proven tools. Reliable and effective tools that we are certain will work when necessary. This class is about making sure that those tools are in place.

What You Will Learn

--To develop a system with a full arsenal of tools before the need to use them is upon us.
--Strategies for making sure that the chosen tools are reliable.
--Strategies and techniques for what to do when the planned tools fail us.
--To use racing thoughts to your advantage by directing them to a brainstorming session.

IN Order vs Dis-Order

How we behave is critical to our success in the world. And if you want people to believe that you have Bipolar IN Order, then you have to act like it.

Creating an inventory of your good and bad behaviors will go a long way towards getting others to stop treating you like there is something wrong with you or something to be afraid of. Being responsible for our behaviors is the foundation of all spiritual paths. And also what makes society work.

Our behavior is inherently linked to our success in life. If we focus on improving our own behaviors, our relationships, and careers, all the other aspects of our lives will work better.

What You Will Learn

​--The difference between behaving IN Order vs in Dis-Order.
--To create a behavioral inventory in order to identify your behaviors.
--To recognize your behaviors so you can begin to change the ones that are not working for you.
--To respond instead of react to your states regardless of how intense they are.

Accounting For Time

Bipolar IN Order takes a completely different approach to time. Since the scientific consensus is that permanent remission is not possible, we seek to extend the time that we can stay in order during mania and depression. We also strive to stay IN Order in the full range that we are likely to experience. It takes a completely different approach to time to accomplish those goals, but the outcome is far superior; we no longer experience bipolar as a disorder in our lives.

Results You Will Accomplish:
-- a personal well designed plan that transforms how you react to mania and depression.
-- a deeper understanding of which tools to use and when to use them
-- the ability to function better next time states return.
-- a deep understanding of the influence of time on your ability to function.
-- a clear measure of how long different tools take to lower the intensity of each state.
-- confidence that you don’t have to panic and get rid of the state right away.

Turning Your State To Your Advantage

What is the advantage of having a high-performance race car if you don't know how to drive it? If all you did was crash every time you got behind the wheel you would probably conclude that it was a disadvantage to have it and be miserable every time you got in it.

It is the same with mania and depression. The advantages are in the same state as the disadvantages. You don't change the state to find the advantage, you change the way you see it and how you respond to it. This course helps you put that concept into context.

What You Will Learn

--Strategies for looking for advantages in your states.
--To find value and explore the meaning of your condition
